

Observation of a scorched component in the J-PARC Linac Building

Nuclear Science Research Institute, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)


   1. Time and Date :

Around 10:46 on Friday, July 5, 2024 (time of observation)

   2. Location :

Cold Machine Room No.3 for cooling-water (not a Radiation Controlled Area) on the 1st floor of the J-PARC Linac Building

   3. Description :

A scorched component was observed in a chiller (terminal block) at the Cold Machine Room No.3 for cooling-water (not a Radiation Controlled Area) on the 1st floor of the J-PARC Linac Building at the Nuclear Science Research Institute, and at 11:19 the fire department was called. At 11:50, the fire department judged that a fire had occurred.
(Time series)

Around  10:46




A scorch mark was observed in a chiller (terminal block) at the Cold Machine Room No.3 for cooling-water (not a Radiation Controlled Area) on the 1st floor of J-PARC Linac Building.

The fire department was called.  4. Cause of the fire incident :

The fire department arrived.

The fire department judged that a fire had occurred.

   4. Cause of the fire incident :

Under investigation

   5. Effects :

There was no leakage of radioactive material to the environment, no radiation exposure, no injuries. There was no impact to other facilities.