User's Guide (Pulse Secure Client for macOS Monterey(12) and after)


1. Available platforms

Supported platforms of Pulse Secure Client(application for connection) for macOS

For macOS Monterey(12) and after

Requirement Software

For the client environments that are enable to connect based on JLAN-support office identified and ones that manufacturer supports, visit here.

2. How to change the password

Access to the Password delivery system site to obtain your User ID and initial-password by accessing URL written on the SSL-VPN completion.
Please change the initial-password as soon as you get it.


3. Setting of Pulse Secure Client

3.1 Download software (Pulse Secure Client)

Click below and download packages below.

3.2 Installation of Pulse Secure Client

Install the downloaded packages on the environment as below.

{For Apple silicon M1 mounted}

At the time of installation of Pulse Secure, confirmation message may be displayed whether to install or not Rosseta.
(Confirmation message is not displayed if the Rosseta is already installed.)

Install Rosseta with clicking "Install Software" then enter user ID and password.

3.3 Setting of Pulse Secure Client

1 Start installed Pulse Secure Client

Click on "Open Pulse Secure" on the menue bar.


2 Registration of Connection(at the time of first access)

Presetting of Pulse Secure Client is completed.

4. How to login to SSL-VPN of J-PARC

4.1 Start browser, and access to the certification site.

URL for SSL-VPN of J-PARC connection( Accessible from JLAN, JAEA-LAN and KEK-LAN. )

4.2 Input your "Login ID", and click the "Next" button.


4.3 A matrix screen is displayed but do not logging-in on this browser. Go to instruction 4.4



4.4 Click "Connect" button on "Connections" of Pulse Secure.


4.5 Select "JP-Realm" then click "Connect" button.


4.6 Enter ID for Username and Password on Pulse Secure Client

Enter ID for Username and Password.

UsernameUser ID
PasswordPIN (fixed characters) and Image-password (location in the matrix)
Save settings Do not check the box of "Save settings". Password will be changed every time.



When the compliance check passed, it will be successfully connected.

(Compliance check may take 3minutes by performance of device and connection environment.)

And "Connect" button on "Connections" of Pulse Secure is changed to "Disconnect".


After connecting, close Web browser.

4.7 Confirmation for connection status

Confirm the IP address on the network and data transfer status details.

Choose "File > Connections > Advaned Connection Details"



4.8 How to check the Pulse Secure Client version

Select "Pulse Secure" on the menue bar then click "About Pulse Secure" from the pulldown menu.



5. How to logout

Logout from "Pulse Secure Client" window.

Click the "Disconnect" button on the "Pulse Secure Client" window.


6. Compliance check

When you use your PC to connect to JLAN with SSL-VPN, your PC should be passed the compliance check executed by the VPN-system.

The check-list of the compliance check is the following;

6.1 OS, Web-browsers

6.2 Anti-virus software

7. The length of time-out

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