ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office

2025/02/17 年度をまたいで2025年度にJ-PARCへ入構する方へ [ENGLISH]


◇ 年度をまたぐ宿泊予約・旅費申請方法について

◇ その他


2025/02/17 For those who will enter J-PARC between in FY2024(until March 2025) and FY2025(from April 2025)

For those who will be entering J-PARC campus consecutively from the period of stay in FY2024 (until March) to FY2025 (from April), please be sure to follow the following procedures. Please strictly observe the deadlines.

[Start of 2025 Procedures].

◇To make dormitory/lodging reservations and apply for travel expenses that cross over from one fiscal year to the next
There are some points to keep in mind when making dormitory/lodging reservations at the end of a fiscal year or across fiscal years. There are also some points to keep in mind when applying for travel expense reimbursement from KEK.
Please read the application procedures before proceeding.

For those who will not cross the fiscal years, or for those who have not yet decided the date of their arrival, please complete the application procedures at least two weeks before arrival.

<Submission of Radiation Worker Registration Request Forms for Undetermined Dates of Participation>
If you have already registered your experiment proposal number in the User Support System, you can submit a Request for Renewal of Radiation Worker Registration Form [2-1d] (or Radiation Worker Registration Form [2-1b]) even if your experiment or actual date of entry is not yet determined.
If the assignment remains undecided, it cannot be submitted.