ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office

2015/04/01 朝食注文サービスを始めました(完全予約制、2015/4/1~)








2015/6/19更新: メニューの一部変更及び料金を500円から380円に値下げしました

2015/04/01 Breakfast order service starts from April 1


Service temporarily will not be available as of 12 Feb. 2016 (fri).

J-PARC Users Office starts taking an order for breakfast from April 1. Please order at front desk of Tokai Dormitory yourself.

Menu (updated!)


How to order and receive a breakfast box ("bento")
①Fill in an order form at the front desk of Tokai Dormitory by yourself by 19:00 the day before.
→The form will be faxed to the delivery company by the staff.
②Breakfast boxes will be delivered by 7:00 the next morning, and put on the delivery desk in front of the information board in the lobby.
③Each box is labeled with the copy of the form filled in by you.
→Please take the bento box labeled with your name.
④Please pay by putting money into the money box on the bento desk.
→380yen all /No changing money at the desk/Please use bending machines etc.
⑤Please take your box by 9:00,
→it will be kept at the front desk until 11:00, after that, will be disposed.


updated on June 19, 2015 / Menu was changed including the reduction of price from 500yen to 380yen.