ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office

2019/12/24 MLFの外壁塗装工事に伴う「車カバー」の配布と臨時駐車場について



① MLFの駐車場に駐車する場合には、UO又はMLF玄関で配布する「車カバー」をご自身で車に装着して駐車してください。 「車カバー」は数に限りがありますので、保管しながら繰り返しご使用ください。破損したりなどした場合には、再度UO又はMLF玄関で入手をお願いします。 

  UOで受け取り → 駐車場で車にかける
  MLF玄関で受取り → 駐車場で車にかける

  →使用後たたんで袋に入れ → UOへ返却
  →使用後たたんで袋に入れ → MLF玄関の回収箱へ返却

② MLFから離れた場所に臨時駐車場を用意しておりますので、添付図を参考の上、駐車をお願い致します。各々の駐車場には、「駐車不可」、「指定車限定」のスペースもありますので、コーンや表示板に注意の上ご使用ください。


2019/12/24 Painting the wall of MLF building: Protection cover and parking areas

Exterior wall of MLF building has been deteriorate over time, repairing work is going to be held from January 2020 until the end of March. See the pdf file. We would like to get your kind attention that while the painting work the paints might be scattered and adhere to vehicles in the MLF parking area. In order to avoid adhesion, we will provide protection covers and have temporal parking spot to leave vehicles away from the paints.

Protection covers: Pick-up and returning are available either at Users Office and MLF entrance.
Attach and remove it by yourself. Free of charge.
Pick up a cover at Users Office (UO) in advance or take from the entrance of MLF.
After use, please fold in small and put into a pouch, and return the pouch into the collection box at UO or MLF (entrance).
Please note that the number of the covers are limited, hence once you receive one and please keep it and use repeatedly. Should it has a tear or/and remarkable damage, feel free to ask changing at UO or get a new cover at MLF.

Temporal parking spot is located a little bit far away from MLF building (see the map), and pay attention to the caution labels on the parking lot; “unavailable to park” and “reserved area”.

Attached file (PDF)