ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office

2019/07/02 上水給水塔の修理工事(7月6日―7日)






1.便器洗浄水で工水(飲用不可)を使用している次の施設では、トイレの使用は可能です。ただし洗浄水のみ可能で、手洗い水・飲用水は不可。 対象施設: 中央制御棟、J-PARC研究棟、HENDEL、MLF

2.便器洗浄水も上水を使用している次の施設では一切の水が使用できません。完全に断水となります。対象施設: MR施設、ハドロン施設、ニュートリノ施設、東海2号館

3.上記敷地外にある次の施設には、影響は一切ございません。対象施設: IQBRC、東海1号館、東海ドミトリー


2019/07/02 Repair work on tap water tower on July 6-7


The tap water supply line leak was discovered and need to be repaired so that tap water supply inside the whole site of JAEA and J-PARC will be cut off on between July 6th (Saturday) 9:00 and July 7th (Sunday) 17:00. Consequently, drinking water, hand washing, shower room and bidet are not be available.

Note: there is another water supply line called "Koh-Sui" which is used for non- drinking water uses, such as toilet flushing, cleaning etc. This line will stay on during the same period. Hence the toilets inside the Central Control Building, J-PARC Research Building, HENDEL and MLF facilities can be used, but for flushing only.

The toilets inside the MR, Hadron, Neutrino facilities and Tokai Building #2 (2-go-kan) where tap water is used for flushing toilet CANNOT be used.

IQBRC, Tokai Building #1(1-go-kan) and Tokai Dormitory located outside of the premises are not be affected.

If the situation calls for the repair works to start earlier, this tap water line cut off may happen earlier that these two dates. Please be aware. Thank you for your cooperation.