ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office

2016/07/11 2016年夏期休業のお知らせ


8月11日(木)~16日(火) はJ-PARCの一斉休業となり、ユーザーズオフィスは休業となります。


8月11日(木)~17日(水)午前9時まで にJ-PARCへ入構予定の方は必ず、8月8日(月)までに、

事前申請のあった方につきましては、入構に必要なJ-PARC User ID カード等を、




2016/07/11 Summer holiday '16

Users Office will be closed due to summer holidays from 11th August (Thu) to 16th August (Tue). In addition, User Support System, KEK shuttle bus service and the other J-PARC on-site service will be stopped. Tokai Dormitory opens as usual.
Please click here for detailed schedule.

Please note that users who would come to J-PARC during the period from 11th August (Thu) to before 9:00 a.m. 17th (Wed) are requested to submit 'Application form to visit J-PARC' via the User Support System by the Monday of 8th August and J-PARC User ID card and other items for entering J-PARC would be ready at the reception of Tokai Dormitory .


We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.