J-PARC Center Users Office

(at symbol instead of (at))
* Attachment files are up to 4MB.
Office hour : Monday-Friday 9:00-17:00
CLOSE: Saturday, Sunday, National holiday,


2011/09/12 地震によるニュートリノユーザーの入構制限の解除について


*ニュートリノユーザー、ハドロンユーザー、加速器関係の方 :受け入れ制限が解除されました。


*MLFの方 :受け入れ制限は継続中です。


2011/09/12 Conditions of J-PARC visit after the earthquake for Neutrino facility users have been eliminated

Conditions of J-PARC visit for Neutrino facility users have been eliminated from 12th of September.
MLF(Neutron, Muon) users are not allowed to enter the J-PARC site during weekends and holidays.

* Neutrino facility, Hadron hall users and users related to accelerators: Conditions of J-PARC visit have been eliminated.

No need to get permission from your contact person to submit the form "Application form to visit J-PARC".
Please follow usual procedures to visit J-PARC.

*MLF (Neutron, Muon) : Conditions of J-PARC visit are continuing.

Please fill in your contact person's name on the remarks column of "Application form to visit J-PARC"
after getting on the permission. You will not be allowed to enter without the permission.
