ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office

2021/08/31 新型コロナウィルス 体調チェックシート(2021/8/31様式更新)




  1. 入構前2週間における体調異常の有無について、ワクチン接種後に発熱した場合も含む事といたします。
  2. 入構前2週間においてPCR検査の陽性者・濃厚接触者・感染の疑いがある(PCR検査の結果待ち等)のいずれかに該当する場合は、入構をご遠慮ください。
  3. J-PARCでの実験終了後14日以内に新型コロナウィルスを発症した際の対応について、以降はPCR検査を受検することになった、又は濃厚接触者となった段階において速やかにご連絡をお願いします。


2021/08/31 In responce to the Novel Coronavirus; health questionnaire updated on 31th August, 2021.

Health Qestionare format was revised on 31 August 2021.

New format Click HERE!

The following are the revised points:

  1. Abnormal health condition after a vaccination does not exclude, such as developeing a fever (high temperature).
  2. If you have a positive PCR test result or are Close Contacts or it is suspected that you might have been infected with the virus (Now waiting for my test and results) prior to 14 days before the visit, entering site is not available.
    Be aware that the person has been identified as Close Contacts more than two weeks before and also quarantine period excludes from the two-weeks. Although having finished the quarantine, having abnormal health condition does not allow the person to enter.
  3. If you get a PCR Test or are identified as Close Contacts within 14 days after leaving J-PARC, report us immediately.
    PCR Test that the person having a possibility of being infected with a virus.

In order to prevent the spread of infection by the novel coronavirus, our facility has been implementing the following measures in responce.
We take medical observation to all users before entering the site. Please fill out a health questionnaire when you pick up Uesr ID's at UO or Tokai Dormitory reception.