ユーザーズオフィスからのお知らせ Announcement from Users Office

2015/10/14 (注意喚起)JAEA原科研内工事に伴う大型車の通行等



 原子力科学研究所内(J-PARC地区を含む)において、工事に係る土砂の運搬作業に伴い、構内における大型車両の交通量が大変増加しております。 添付の運搬ルートにおいて、最大250台/日程度の往復を予定しています。




2015/10/14 Heads-up - Increase in traffic volume in JAEA Site including J-PARC area (from Oct. to Dec., 2015)

The work has been completed on 16th Dec., 2015. Thank you all for your kind cooperation.(17th Dec., 2015)

Dump trucks with gravels frequently go through between JAEA South gate and Hadron experimental hall during three months from October 3rd. Please be careful going through the area.

A briefing will be held on Oct. 16 at J-PARC Research Bldg., it's free for users without any application. If you are interested in, you can listen to the instructions.

briefing details
- On Oct. 16th (Fri), from 13:15 (about for one hour)
- At conference room (2nd fl.), J-PARC Research Bldg.
- Explained by JAEA Planning and Coordination Office and Construction Department